Sunday, September 25, 2011

Halloween is ready at the Glaziers house. I figure I can finally say that, even though it has been up through half of Sept. :) Kade and I love this time of year! He watches his favorite sport football, gets ready for his manly hunting, and I get to celebrate one of my favorite holidays almost an extra month early! I know I'm crazy but since there is no huge holiday in Sept. why not enjoy the fun decorations early. I was looking through Emmitt's last Halloween pictures and it gets me so excited to get him all dressed up! He has grown so much already just since last halloween it kinda freaks me out! I'm so ready for fall foods like carmel apples, hot cider, yummy roasts and soups, and not to forget the colorful leaves with just a little touch of a crisp colder breeze. There is something about it I simply love!

I wonder what kind of pumpkin carvings we will come up with this year:)
Here is my almost 1 year old boy in these pictures and passing by so quickly he is turning two so soon, I can't wait to post him in his next cute costume!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for Halloween as well! It is crazy to look at the pictures of little Emmitt back then!(He was so small)
    He seriously just gets cuter and cuter every blog post! :) Hope everything is well!
