Thursday, May 20, 2010

It is still the month of May and yes I forgot to blog about Mothers Day! It was so great, Kade gave me beautiful flowers! I love being a Mother haha! I wrote this poem for the occasion and also for both of my Mothers. I figured it would be cute to post and remember so ......Here it is. Enjoy

This Day is Perfect This Day is Great

This Day is the Day of all Mothers Day.

The things they do is out of Care

For everyone their Love they Share

It is a Calling to be a Mother

You’re Strong You’re Beautiful

You’re Cherished by Others

Now a Mother I came to Be

It is the most Sacred Gift God gave me

I will walk Tall and Love what I do

For that is all God asks me to Do

So when this Day comes Every Year

We thank our mothers for them Being Here

This Day is Perfect This Day is Great

Because we can remember the Calling we Mothers Take

1 comment:

  1. Ang! That is such a beautiful poem! That is awesome that you wrote it! Also I was wanting to ask you about the ranch! Is this the ranch we stayed at for your wedding? That would be such a great way to spend summer! It looks quiet and peaceful... just the way it should be during the warm summer days :)Oh and I told Jenn that she should get a blog when I saw her this weekend- haha- that way we can all keep up on each other, together! :)Looks like all is so well and that the ranch is a blast! Keep us updated!
