Time: 2 hrs and 9 min.
Womens age 20-24: I took 25th
Overall place: 150th
Bunker Creek 2010 Glazier Reunion
The Glazier's have this great tradition every year. We go to their cabin at Panguitch Lake and then go fishing at bunker creek! After fishing we had a big Home run tourney with the wiffle ball and bat out side the cabin! Everyone did great and we had a blast!
Kade concentrating very hard for his next home run pitch!
Bunker Creek was great Kade and I caught the first two fishes! YaY! Grandma Jean , Emmitt and I
Heres Kade with his. It still amazes me every time we go here. This little creek doesn't seem like you could catch anything but yes there are fish hiding in there! And they do bite real quick if you find the right spots:)
Emmitt chowin down on licorice, Thank you granny!
I love this picture! Kade baiting the hook with worms and Emmitt is very excited to go fishing! Thanks Granny and Gramps G. We had a great time and never can get enough of the cabin! It was fun to get all the family together and just RELAX!!!
Good job on your race Ang! Wish I could do that! And yes, the cabin was tons of fun!